Thursday, December 24, 2009

Invitation and sad news

For some time I have wanted to put together this blog to create a space where people who were involved in Indianapolis YWD can come together and give updates on what they are doing, reflect back upon what impact YWD had upon their lives, perhaps plan an in person or virtual reunion, etc.  But I never made it a priority until last night when I recieved  the sad news below  from Madeline Flannery that Rev. Tom Stratton had passed.

Madeline  received a message on her Facebook account from Lois Stratton Chin:

If you are the same Madeline from YWD (Indianapolis) I wanted to let you know that Dad died on September 23, 2007. He was 2 days shy of reaching age 78. He was a remarkable person and a good man. Do you happen to know how to reach Chris S? Please respond so I know I found the correct person.

(In an email I just received from Lois she indicates that it was September of this year that her father passed.)

For me, YWD had a tremendous impact upon my life not only during high school but in the career path that I chose and continue to follow.  And   Indianapolis YWD would not have happened but for Rev. Tom Stratton.

Rev made kids believe in themselves.  When other adults asked "What can a bunch of kids do?" he would grin and say something to the effect of: "just watch."  And that bunch of kids, with the support of Tom Stratton, organized thousands of others kids to come together and pull off the largest Indianapolis "political" gatherings of those times.  Tom inspired us but never interfered with us.  He did however, on more than one occassion, run interference for us with the adult community.  Tom will be greatly missed

So it is in memory of one of my personal heros, Tom Stratton, that I finally initiate this blog.  I invite all of you to join and to make your own postings and start discussions.  I also invite you to reach out to others who participated in IYWD and invite them to join us

As we signed off our letters at YWD:

Yours for a New World,

Chris Schneider